Igniting Reflective Student Leaders

Igniting Reflective Student Leaders

The Grade School MAGIS Society – Student Council has always strived to form better leaders in preparation for their respective front running roles in the future. For many years, it has spearheaded many activities that aim to tap the leadership potentials of the pupils. However, this year, something different and special took place. For the first time in many years, our student leaders went through a leadership program that strengthens the Ignatian core values especially Christ–centeredness. It was only this year that they tried having a series of leadership programs that solely focused on the ideals of Ignatian leadership. With this, the Grade School MAGIS Society Student Council is very thankful to have their quarterly recollections and regular Examen. These innovations to the leadership activities of the Magis Society are the fruit of last year’s evaluation. Because of these innovations, the student leaders are drawn back to the foundation of leadership: Ignatian heroism. Focusing on the themes of self-awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism of Chris Lowney’s Heroic Leadership, they are given learning experiences that help them become more reflective leaders.

Conducted after every periodical test, the recollection of the Grade School MAGIS Society- Student Council also serves as a team building opportunity for the student leaders. This leadership activity is also integrated with their regular Examen every Magis meeting. It is with these efforts that the student leaders hope to be grounded on how they see themselves as leaders, how they form relationships with others, how they open their eyes to what is happening and how they proactively react to the opportunities and challenges presented to them. Keeping with them their leadership journals, the Magis Society openly discuss their insights and lessons. These deeds show us that leadership is something that is nurtured. It is with this belief that the Grade School Department shepherds the future leaders in the Ignatian light.

Article contributed by Kyla Esterioso (Gr. 6 – Loyola) and Matt Clarence Melgar (Gr. 5 – Xavier)


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